What You Need to Build Your Own Personal Self Defense Keychain Set

Published: Author: Sarah Garcia

Self defense is the protection it takes to guard yourself against any harm. Defending yourself takes courage and can be exhibited in many ways--physically, mentally, emotionally, and the list goes on. Today, we will be covering how to physically protect yourself with the use of your own personal self defense keychain set. Even if you are an amateur in hand-to-hand combat, we have listed items that will help ease that pressure.
It is important to stay aware of your surroundings, especially if you are alone. Even if you are caught off guard, the following list will help make you feel at peace. Check out how to build your own personal self defense keychain set, below.

Pepper Spray

Putting pepper spray on your self defense keychain set will help you if you are not experienced or are uncomfortable with hand-to-hand combat. The pepper spray ranges as far as 6 feet so you can protect yourself from a distance. This is a non-lethal defense product that causes temporary irritation just long enough to make a safe escape.

Ordering pepper spray in bulk from Perfect Imprints means that you can completely customize the spray with a logo, quote, or anything you chose. See below for more info!

Keychain pepper spray


Kubatons are helpful in many different instances. They can dual as a window breaker or something sharp to impale something or someone. This, for obvious reasons, should be used in emergency situations only. Please make note that if you plan on traveling, some countries do consider this to be illegal.

If you are interested in ordering Kubaton's in bulk, be sure to contact us. Through Perfect Imprints, you can completely customize your self-defense keychain set. See below for more details.

Self defense kubaton stick


A simple alarm will do no harm but it will warn others that your life, or their lives, are at stake. This alarm reaches 300 yards and will last up to 50 minutes of continuous sound--that ensures you will grab the attention of others. The alarm will scare perpetrators away before you even have to think about using anything else.

For more information on ordering bulk self-defense keychain alarms, be sure to contact us! See templates below.

self-defense-alarm-keychain-template Panic alarm keychain


Again, this is a gadget that will grab the attention of a surrounding crowd! There will be no need for physical contact when you carry around a whistle for safety. With a double tube design, this emergency whistle gets very loud.

Make it personalized when ordering bulk whistles through Perfect Imprints. For more information, contact us today.

Safety-self-defense-whistle Emergency survival whistle

Guardian Angel

Guardian angels are for people who want to be prepared for every situation! Yes, this tool is known for hand-to-hand combat. In a last-resort situation, you can reach for something more damaging than just your hands and feet. With a striking force, you can deter an attacker. It is lightweight and made to fit most hands. Despite its' weight and size, its' sharp edges are quite damaging. To see the effects, preview this Perfect Imprints demonstration video.

Guardian-Angel-self-defense-template Guardian Angel Self Defense Device

Who Should Carry Personal Self Defense Keychains?

People of all walks should carry a self defense keychain set! You never know just who is looking to target you! However, below is a list of a select few people who should be carrying their keychains at all times!

  • Realtors
  • Nightshift workers
  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Travelers
  • Students
  • Athletes
  • Kids
  • Senior citizens

All in all, it is always better to be safe than sorry. A self defense keychain set is the ultimate gadget. It is highly portable, increase your chances of survival, and gives you time to escape to safety. For more information on how you can customize your complete self defense keychain, contact us now!


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