We are a promotional products distributor for thousands of factories all across the United States along with a few reputable international manufacturers. Because we deal with so many different factories and so many different product brands and price points, the sample policy varies greatly between factories and products. Most products do incur a charge plus a small shipping charge. Most samples are shipped with a random logo printed on them. If you are wanting a preproduction sample with your logo, please Contact Us for pricing - setup charges, run charges, product charge, and shipping charge will apply.
The pricing will show in your shopping cart after following the instructions below. Samples typically ship within 2-3 business days. If a rush is needed, please indicate your in hands date needed. Rush fees may be added with your consent.
To order a sample, follow these steps:
Select Product Color (if applicable), then click the Sample Tab.
Click the Order Sample button.
Add any comments. If needed by a specific date, please check the box and select the date needed. Then click Add to Sample Cart.
Click the Checkout button to complete your order.
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