Marketing your company effectively requires careful planning as well as a balance of several advertising mediums. If weakness occurs in one part of your marketing plan, it can negatively affect your overall success and ultimately your bottom line. These weaknesses in one area of your marketing can also adversely affect campaigns that are seemingly doing well.
In the human body, weakness on one side is called hemiparesis. Complete paralysis on one side of the body is called hemiplegia. In the same way, these two conditions change the way your body functions, a similar condition can develop with your company marketing, which can be detrimental to your company image and cause financial turmoil.
This condition is known as
This condition can create ups and downs in your sales creating difficulty in managing your finances from the inconsistent cash flow. Don't despair; there is hope. Read on to see if you suffer from this common condition and find out how to treat it.
Below are the signs and symptoms, risk factors, complications, and treatment.
Chronic Marketing Hemiparesis
Signs & Symptoms
- Extended periods of low sales
- Ups and downs in your sales numbers
- High marketing budget with little return
- Inability to track results from your marketing campaigns
Risk Factors
- Advertising/marketing budget cuts
- Stagnant marketing tactics
- Lack of creativity with your marketing
- Drop in sales volume
- Falling behind on financial obligations
- Company layoffs
- Business closure
- Write out a firm marketing plan detailing your goals and strategies.
- Track all your campaigns so you know which ones are bringing a return and which ones are not.
- Strengthen your weakened campaigns or stop them all together.
- Invest more in the marketing efforts that are bringing in sales.
- Balance your marketing strategies through multiple advertising mediums.
The good news is Chronic Marketing Hemiparesis is completely curable. You can quickly analyze your marketing strategies to determine if they are working for or against you. It's always best to bring in a professional who is proficient in creative marketing to help with new ideas. Sometimes you simply need a brand makeover to modernize your company image so potential customers can relate better.
As you become better at managing the results of your marketing campaigns, you can invest more money into those efforts that are bringing a positive return and stop wasting money on the efforts that are not.
Many successful companies balance their marketing through different mediums; however, the most successful companies use a combination of marketing mediums to work together. For example, if you use direct mail to gain new customers, try adding
promotional products with your direct mail. You will likely see a jump in the number of conversions.