Whether you are hosting the event or supplying products, there are plenty of great items you can choose from. This is a fantastic time to get your company name on event promotional products.
Staff picnics and BBQs are a great way to build relationships and show your employees how much you appreciate them. Whether you are hosting a party for five or five hundred, you need supplies.
What better way to say you care than to supply items for a company event. The best part is when people take pictures of the event and post them on social media, there is your logo, front and center.
Every event needs glasses and stadium cups are an ideal way to go. Not only are they a necessity but these cups will be retained as souvenirs.
People will use these at their own homes, take them to work and reuse them for years to come. These cups are available in so many different styles, colors and sizes, you can choose several.
These recyclable tote bags are the perfect event promotional item. They get used so often to carry in food and drink, and they make a great gift for people to take home.
These will be a perfect promotional idea for those BBQs that are potluck, or for people to take home any prizes, leftover food or just a great reusable bag.
Everyone needs an extra tote bag. We use them for everything, from groceries to books and everything in between. Consider insulated ones for keeping items hot or cold.
From Aprons to Spatulas, a BBQ isn’t complete unless you have all the tools. These are a great giveaway for all those in attendance, whether you are hosting a staff appreciation BBQ or a welcome new customer party.
Aprons are a great idea for event promotional products. They are fun, useful and make a lovely souvenir. There are plenty of aprons to choose from.
Different colors and styles, these aprons will be something people can use at home for many years to come. You can get your company logo on them, a mascot or make them in your company colors.
There are some that come fully loaded with BBQ tools that people will be able to enjoy at their own BBQs. Choose from different patterns, adjustable neck and waist with various materials.
Custom tool kits for your event make a great promotional product. These will be enjoyed by employees and customers for many years to come.
Pick from various cases and the number of tools included. These are items that people will appreciate and enjoy in their own home and hosting their own BBQs and parties for many years, all with your logo on them.
These custom-made hand fans are an ideal event promotional item. Easy to hand out to everyone in attendance, they can be used to keep themselves cool, swat away mosquitoes and act out scenes from their favorite Oscar Wilde play.
There are so many different styles and colors to choose from, everyone will be happy to fan themselves with your name and logo. These are a welcome item and will be used for many years to come.
People will take them to the beach, use them on a stuffy bus or waiting room and thank you every time they are able to cool themselves down.
Loud and proud, your company name and logo on every table. Choose from throws, runners, fitted or convertible table covers. These can be custom made with your own company colors and will be appreciated and used over and over.
Made to last, these table covers can be used for many years or passed on after the event for people to enjoy at home. They make great gifts that people will use.
What would look best over the table cover but your company logo on an umbrella? There are plenty of umbrellas to choose from and these are long-lasting and used often.
They make a great event promotional product that will be seen and enjoyed by 100s of people for years to come. Available in your company colors with wooden or aluminum frames.
There are plenty more items available for your next BBQ or event. Any of these will make the perfect event promotional item and be well-loved and appreciated by all in attendance. Great gifts for all your customers and your employees.
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