\n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available \n
Also available in sustainable bamboo \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n"},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS305/GS305-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNTI5MWI4ZDJlYjhhY2Y2NjA5YzU0YTc3YjA0Nzk3MDg2MTY2ZDU4OWFiZTcyYzM1OGUyZGQyODNmOTFkMmJlZS9HUzMwNV9UTW9iaWxlX0xlZ1NpZGUxLmpwZz92ZXJzaW9uSWQ9UzJKYnJ0ejJyTEtaRElWOFNlMFoyemhNanBDckI0ZFQ","name":"Ankle Cotton Socks","productId":"GS305","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":9.85,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS305","description":" \n \n Fully customizable ankle premium cotton blend socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock \n \n \n Custom knit up to 5 thread colors - View available threads \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available \n \n \n Also available in sustainable bamboo \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n \n \n (more...)"},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS310/GS310-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNWZmNTg4MjFjMTc3NTk2ZjZjYjc4Yjk2YWQ0YThkMDk4ZTdmNzcyMzJkN2VjYzY1ZTM3M2QzYmVmZDkyOTBlOS9HUzMxMF9TYWxlc2ZvcmNlX0xlZ1NpZGUxLmpwZz92ZXJzaW9uSWQ9QWJWNm5SS2UuVmpMTmxVZTNBYUlPT2NOT0lyZDZIR08","name":"Crew Cotton Socks","productId":"GS310","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":12.3,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS310","description":"Fully customizable crew premium cotton blend socks! Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock One size fits most For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available Also available in sustainable bamboo Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost Production + Transit time: 5 weeks Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS305BDTG/GS305BDTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvYjM2MDYwNzRiZjkzYTdhNTAyY2M5MjNhZWQwMDEwNTkyZTRhODI3MDE3ZWMyMjBkMzUzZTIyYzhjNzgxOTUzMy9HUzMwNUJEVEdfQXBwcmVjaWF0ZV9UYWdfRmxhdF9CYWNrMS5qcGc/dmVyc2lvbklkPVhfTmhyY2N4U3ByTzZ4T3ZWbVkueks0cnF3Rkh5YzJ4","name":"Ankle DTG Bamboo Socks","productId":"GS305BDTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":13.04,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS305BDTG","description":" \n \n Fully customizable ankle eco-friendly bamboo socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint \n \n \n DTG prints directly onto socks from high resolution digital files, creating crisp, high-quality imprints in an array of designs and colors that cannot be achieved through a woven process \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n Full color direct-to-garment (DTG) on premium cotton also available \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n \n \n \n Fully customizable crew eco-friendly bamboo socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock \n \n \n Custom knit up to 5 thread colors - View available threads \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available \n \n \n Also available in sustainable cotton blend \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n (more...)"},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS300BDTG/GS300BDTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNDBhNGQxNmFlMDRlNGNhNmFkMTBhMjI2ZGQ4YTYzZGUyZjFmNWU3YWVkOWQwYWNjMDg0YTYzYTE1Njk1NGRmNi9HUzMwMEJEVEdfTGVub3hfVGFydGFuX0xlZ1NpZGUxLmpwZz92ZXJzaW9uSWQ9ZnFUNk1rUUQxWXlRd1hoMl9lNWFjNmhOaTdDVnp1ZFY","name":"Mid-Calf DTG Bamboo Socks","productId":"GS300BDTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":16.72,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS300BDTG","description":" \n \n Fully customizable mid-calf eco-friendly bamboo socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint \n \n \n DTG prints directly onto socks from high resolution digital files, creating crisp, high-quality imprints in an array of designs and colors that cannot be achieved through a woven process \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n Full color direct-to-garment (DTG) on premium cotton also available \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n \n \n \n Fully customizable mid-calf eco-friendly bamboo socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock \n \n \n Custom knit up to 5 thread colors - View available threads \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available \n \n \n Also available in sustainable cotton blend \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Tra(more...)"},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/TM50P_SCB/Slurpy_with_Scrub_Insert/_300_300_1a046c6ae134101fe99af6e1160aae38835aa536a1a52d7b2039b17c01094fb9/TM50_CL_600px_SCRUBS_L_JOHNSHOPKINS.jpgversionId07O42VItM_CW3Rrlm9u.qJJ6wPFKCfWU","name":"16 oz Slurpy with Scrub Insert Tumbler","productId":"TM50P_SCB","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":6.25,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"TM50P_SCB","description":"16 oz slurpy with scrub insert Image shown with Stock Art #MED-05 Image shown with Paper Insert see decorating details for run charge and setup Top rack dishwasher safe "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/gs315/GS315-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvMDhjNTM1MDE1MTI5MDBmNzQ4ZTJiMzY5NDQwN2M4M2RkZjQ1NjQ0ZmFiNWUzYTA0MDI0YzFiOTQ4ZDgyYjBmYS9HUzMxNV9CR19UYWdfRmxhdF9CYWNrMS5qcGc/dmVyc2lvbklkPWtRVVE0VG9XeDdCeE1HWFE1OVpwQ2R0OUFmZGVFOUJI","name":"Athletic Cotton Blend Socks","productId":"GS315","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":13.47,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS315","description":"\n \n Fully customizable athletic premium cotton blend socks!\n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock\n \n \n Custom knit up to 5 thread colors - View available threads \n \n \n One size fits most\n \n \n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available\n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US\n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost\n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks\n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/gs315dtg/GS315DTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNzdkYzg1YjM1OTNjNGI3MWQyYzY1MTg0NDg5ZTRiNjkwZWNkZDQzZTM1YTUxODhiZGFhMzkzZDU1YmEyNmVlZS9HUzMxNV9CS19MZWdTaWRlMS5qcGc/dmVyc2lvbklkPTdrdW9yNGs2UV9vVkJWU1RZcUM1QjJlb0EuekRjUUxi","name":"Athletic DTG Cotton Socks","productId":"GS315DTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":16.04,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS315DTG","description":"\n \n Fully customizable athletic premium cotton blend socks!\n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint\n \n \n DTG prints directly onto socks from high resolution digital files, creating crisp, high-quality imprints in an array of designs and colors that cannot be achieved through a woven process\n \n \n One size fits most\n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US\n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost\n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks\n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/SNB96/SNB96-WT/_300_300_Logo/SNB96-WT_600PX_L.jpg","name":"College Hoodie","productId":"SNB96- Notebook","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":4.54,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"SNB96- Notebook","description":"70-sheet college ruled notebook Sweatshirt hoodie-style cotton cover Matching pen included Pen cannot be decorated Tight registration not available on multi color silk screen due to nature of the material. Heat transfer recommended . "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS310DTG/GS310DTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNWY4ODJjZTU4ZGY1ZGE5ZjM3ODQwNDUyOWFjNTdjOWMxMmRiOWJmMzliMjEzOTNhMWZlMDRlNzAzZjM5OWIwMy9HUzMxMERUR19MZW5veF9UYXJ0YW5fTGVnU2lkZTEuanBnP3ZlcnNpb25JZD1CbGxySXZZWVRmd2I3OGxQRXB6bS42X0FENE91aTFMUQ","name":"Crew DTG Cotton Socks","productId":"GS310DTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":13410,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS310DTG","description":"Fully customizable crew premium cotton blend socks! Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint DTG prints directly onto socks from high resolution digital files, creating crisp, high-quality imprints in an array of designs and colors that cannot be achieved through a woven process One size fits most Full color direct-to-garment (DTG) on sustainable bamboo is also available Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost Production + Transit time: 5 weeks Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS305B/GS305B-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvMGE2YjljZGZkNjAyYzJlMGQ2YTMxNzc5YTY0NDk0OGExMTEwY2E1Mjg4MDkxNTE5MWQ4Zjc2OTE1ODM0NGNlMC9HUzMwNUJfR1NfTGVnU2lkZTEuanBnP3ZlcnNpb25JZD1qNW5FdWJoYUI5UjMxTnNlbnguV1YxNVYzZ0hyM3F0VA","name":"Ankle Bamboo Socks","productId":"GS305B","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":10.47,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS305B","description":" \n \n Fully customizable ankle eco-friendly bamboo socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our better-made socks are 200 needle count, delivering a higher density sock \n \n \n Custom knit up to 5 thread colors - View available threads \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n For full color, direct-to-garment (DTG) is available \n \n \n Also available in sustainable cotton blend \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n (more...)"},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS305DTG/GS305DTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvYjM2MDYwNzRiZjkzYTdhNTAyY2M5MjNhZWQwMDEwNTkyZTRhODI3MDE3ZWMyMjBkMzUzZTIyYzhjNzgxOTUzMy9HUzMwNUJEVEdfQXBwcmVjaWF0ZV9MZWdTaWRlMS5qcGc/dmVyc2lvbklkPThRQllFZDc2ZVpKTXVlSkdQT2NpNnZRTUtDdUt2dzlC","name":"Ankle DTG Cotton Socks","productId":"GS305DTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":12.42,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS305DTG","description":" \n \n Fully customizable ankle premium cotton blend socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint \n \n \n DTG prints directly onto socks from high resolution digital files, creating crisp, high-quality imprints in an array of designs and colors that cannot be achieved through a woven process \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n Full color direct-to-garment (DTG) on sustainable bamboo also available \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n "},{"@type":"Product","image":"https://products.mpowerpromo.com/GS/GS300DTG/GS300DTG-CUST/_300_300_aHR0cHM6Ly9nc25zZmlsZXNzYi5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL213ZmlsZXMvNzJjMzVkMzNlOWM1YTFmZjYwZDI1NTBkNzljZDFkMzFlM2NlYjZiOWQ4ZGRmZjQyNjE4ZjVmOGViMDNmMzVjZC9HUzMwMERUR19BcHByZWNpYXRlX0xlZ1NpZGUxLmpwZz92ZXJzaW9uSWQ9Y09TSGw1V180aHJVUUdCWlByZlZ3c2VxZlUwV2lvNFg","name":"Mid-Calf DTG Cotton Socks","productId":"GS300DTG","category":"Apparel","offers":{"@type":"Offer","priceCurrency":"USD","price":14.87,"availability":"InStock"},"sku":"GS300DTG","description":" \n \n Fully customizable mid-calf premium cotton blend socks! \n \n \n Materials are sourced and manufactured in Turkey \n \n \n Our direct to garment (DTG) sock imprint, due to our socks' 200 needle count density, makes for a sharper imprint \n \n \n One size fits most \n \n \n Full color direct-to-garment (DTG) on sustainable bamboo also available \n \n \n Includes custom full-color bellyband or recycled header card and free freight to 1 location in the continental US \n \n \n Hangers, and customized gift boxes available at extra cost \n \n \n Production + Transit time: 5 weeks \n \n \n Note: EQP pricing does not apply for this item \n \n "}]}
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